The Study Group is an integral part of the Pottery and Porcelain Club. Each member is urged to participate by taking a turn at researching and presenting a specific topic to the Study Group.
The Study group meets five Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. per season at St. Martin's Church in Providence. Attendance is strongly recommended; it's fun to learn!
From Utilitarian Wares to a Royal Warrant: The Early Years of Doulton
Melody Ennis
From Enthusiast to Gallerist: Candita Clayton on Ceramics in Interiors
Candita Clayton’s journey into the arts started with a small pottery purchase at a RISD street sale. Decades later, she connects regional makers with arts enthusiasts and interior designers through her gallery and design consulting.
Image: Raku-fired ceramics by Tiffany Adams
Vicki Veh
Arlene Strom
Visit to Andrew Raftery's Studio, Providence
Directions will be emailed two weeks prior to visit
Images courtesy of Andrew Raftery